Cerebral Palsy

NoelineThe World Health Organisation estimates that 1:300 African children have Cerebral Palsy, caused by birth trauma, cerebral palsy and meningitis. In Uganda 60% of cerebral palsy  is due to cerebral malaria. There are very few services available for children with cerebral malaria in Uganda.

Children with cerebral palsy are often seen as a curse in Uganda and are marginalised and hidden away. Many die due to ignorance, neglect and malnutrition. However, many children with cerebral palsy have normal intelligence and with physiotherapy and occupational therapy from an early age many cerebral palsy children can be greatly helped. Social assistance and health education is urgently needed for such children.

Presently the Wellspring physiotherapist works with children with varying forms of disabilities in the Wellspring physiotherapy room. In addition, the MDI sponsorship scheme caters for the medical and social welfare of disabled children. However, with an ever increasing number of cerebral palsy children coming to Wellspring for assistance Medcare plans to develop services specifically for children with cerebral palsy. These plans include:

•  Employment of a physiotherapy assistant
•  Transport in the form of a motor bike for outreach purposes
•  Employment of an occupational therapist and speech therapist
•  Additional physiotherapy equipment, including standing frames, walkers and  
•  Health education and counselling services.
•  Vocational training services

Set up costs for such a service is £20,000 with on-going annual costs of £13,000.

Please help Medcare to raise funds for this essential service for handicapped children.


If you wish to assist us with donating or raising funds for this very important, life transforming project please contact the Medcare office.

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